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"311,000 views so far and 5k have just been me. "
"I am so excited about this album! 😮💨💕 "
"Really appreciate the insights in this video. "
"Absolutely unreal. Can't wait to see the UK tour dates! "
"For so long I have waited. "
"Euphoric! "
"Como eu amo vocês, obrigado por essa pedrada !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "
"You explained this so well, thank you! "
"Loved this video, keep up the great work! "
"Thank you for this video, very enlightening! "
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I received a message on discord from someone asking if I could help them find a friend they hadn’t spoken with in a while. the task seemed innocent…
"311,000 views so far and 5k have just been me. "
"I am so excited about this album! 😮💨💕 "
"Really appreciate the insights in this video. "
"Absolutely unreal. Can't wait to see the UK tour dates! "
"For so long I have waited. "
"Euphoric! "
"Como eu amo vocês, obrigado por essa pedrada !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "
"You explained this so well, thank you! "
"Loved this video, keep up the great work! "
"Thank you for this video, very enlightening! "