Meghan, Duchess of Sussex joins Drew Barrymore to talk about her new Netflix series, “with Love, Meghan.” Plus, she reveals details behind the beautiful love story between her and her husband, Prince Harry.
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Meghan, Duchess of Sussex on Her Love Story with Prince Harry | The Drew Barrymore Show
I think she's coming across so fake. Unpleasant.
Meghan shakes her head "no" when she said " hes easy to love"
Drew is over the top it – I don’t think I could hold a smile that long with her. It just seems too insincere. Add markle to this and I am sickened .
Meghan's show would do really well if she invited her father for a beautiful family get together and for him to get to see his grandchildren and Meghans husband, and for Meghan and Harry's children to meet their grandfather. She talks about how nice it is to hug people and reconnect.
Why did she have to change her name, i liked American riviera orchard
Meghan Markle is not at all known to the English nobility. Assuming her family name is Sussex rather than Mountbatten-Windsor, she also did not know how meaningful it would be for her to call herself Mrs. Sussex. Nevertheless, her children's family name is Mountbatten-Windsor. They are not called Archie and Lilibet Sussex, this is because Sussex is a title.”
Contrived and fake and superficial. They are not genuine. Most mothers wouldn't have a need to brag about reading a bedtime story or taping one. It's all "for the show," and narcisistic.
I am amazed with the amount of energy on hating someone you will possibly never meet. Hold on, can people learn to mind their lots of unsolved demn busness
This episode is complete failure, sorry, Drew,
These two have plenty of money but their hair looks so stringy and messy.
Drew has been through a lot in her life and for her to come out the other side (like Harry) doing so well is a blessing. She is so authentic and she loves people. Meghan, too, loves making friends and she is a good person like Drew. They are two peas in a pod. 🙂
She is loveley. ❤
The most influential and incredible woman in the world. Princess Mergan Sussex. Loved for being herself. Hated for being herself.
Over 4000 likes on this video. Only 1700 likes on Meghan Markle‘s Netflix trailer. I guess people like her when she’s on Drew’s show?
Why are two women in their late 40’s acting like 2 teenagers? This was weird, over the top. were you both high on something ?
I was really shocked you invited her. That series is absolutely pointless and fake. And why are we still speaking about love story? They are together for several years, is there anything else to talk about relating them?
So why does Meghan not get along with her in-laws, the Royal family. Why is she so unlikable in the royal family. The public sees her as a destructive force trying to destroy the royal family. So unfortunate she came into the royal family. Drew, please pick better guests next time.
Pathetic facial expression. Just lies
So fake, How could Drew say the show is wonderful, Hollywoodb is full of trash, I can't even finish this 🤮🤮🤮🤧
Why does she keep using the title “Sussex”? Didn’t she leave the royal family because she supposedly despised it? Or is it because that’s the only real achievement she has???? We all know how people like her end up☠️
Her show is bombing, the kitchen is on a set, not even her house, she's such a phony
Ok. Drew acts like this all the time. She is an awkward interviewer. And a bit too much too soon. She makes it weird.
When I thought it couldn’t get worse than Kamala’s interview.. at least no one is buying it!
Are y'all okay?! If you dislike someone so much, make a choice and don't watch and spew hateful things online about a stranger you do not actually know. My goodness!
Ugh! Cringe! She’s so fake!
I think the animal kingdom should sue this duchess of fakery for using them..demand compensation.. Heheheheje.. Oh my sausages! Beware you will be fried in season 2.
I feel very sorry for her. God I dont know why but my heart goes out to her.
I loved her Netflix series! She’s so delightful and extremely strong to cope with all the insane hate she gets. She’s only human ease up a little, show some compassion ❤️
We are smart enough to see whether a person is genuine or not, not by listening to what they say but by seeing what they do. Megan can say she’s doing everything ‘with love’ but we don’t feel any real touching moments or love at all. For example this Daniel guy, if Megan really love and value him as a true friend she should cook something he like to surprise him, instead of cooking that dreadful spaghetti meal that we cook only when we are in a hurry.
The dog loves Meghan, and dogs know people.
Poor Drew ~She is doing her job. Hospitility means.