Why are Chinese warships circling Australia? | The Brief

the appearance of three Chinese warships in waters off Australia has sparked serious questions about Beijing’s intentions and our nation’s readiness to defend itself.

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  1. Because you cowards wont do anything about it

  2. To draw us off of Taiwan waters

  3. Maybe China wants to f around and find out.

  4. Storm in teacup

  5. It’s too cold in Canada so start there

  6. Ausy forgot of tic for tac!

  7. So interesting to see a Chinese woman with an Australian accent

  8. Because they own it

  9. Maybe stay out of China business.

  10. Can we stop the fake news and provoke ww3???…

  11. Amazing documentary on CGTN The Point-Hub-Heat, Race to the Future and Modernization..Reporterfy Media-Cyrus Janssen

  12. The fact we look after PNG and they couldn't tell us means that all funding and any other benefits PNG get should be cut and fast

  13. At least give your people a Second Amendment! Give them a fighting chance for crying out loud…

  14. Why would any country would solely rely on another country for their defense? Seems a little ridiculous. Don’t you think?

  15. Wow brilliant

  16. Go move china

  17. Tomorrow's

  18. Big attack

  19. How dare China navigate international waters! That's a western privilege!

  20. Why are RAAF planes invading Chinese airspace? GTFOH

  21. We tired of hearing China here China there the point is what yall gonna do about it I think it's enough of complaining it's time to do something about don't yall think, remember that THE ABUSER CAN GO AS FAR AS THE ABUSED ALLOWS IT…..

  22. Speaking of GAPS, what are they doing over there at Pine Gap? U know…That secretive American spy/satellite surveillance base in the Australian Outback 🤦🏼‍♂️

  23. Usa needs to back Australia

  24. Snap out of it

  25. remember what happened to the Japanese in the coral sea WW2

  26. So if was wathing by air & sea what technology have they got to block u out listening

  27. 黄庄晓虎:干就完了

  28. Don't cry like a puppy

  29. Believe me if China wanted to crush Australia, they don’t need to do rehearsals.
    They’re just showing us that they can do what we do near their country. They’re showing the world.

  30. 其实 澳大利亚这片土地也挺好的 中国人连沙漠都能改造还怕澳大利亚土地的贫瘠吗 2000万人口 不算很多 跟台湾差不多 要不然整天跟着美国叫来叫去也挺烦人的

  31. So if Papua New Guinea was given advance notice why didn't they pass this on to the Australian government?

  32. AUKUS must be sleeping. Where was the warning from the Spying Eyes? Sheer Incompetence and Totally Unresponsive Defense Systems of Australia.
    This is exactly Tit for Tat responding to Australian Warships sailing through the Straits of Taiwan last year.

  33. witness the new empire where the sun is never set

  34. Guess that is the risk as a poodle of US needs to bear. Anyway, this is the freedom of navigation that western nations are exercising. China is learning that too.

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