I’ve Waited 10 Years For This Moment!

► I’ve Waited 10 Years For This Moment!
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  1. I live in Lewes and crack up every time you call that coffee shop ‘coffee and pastries’ because it’s actually called the Cornish bakery but the logo is much smaller than the coffee and pastries part 🤣🤣 love to see you guys in Lewes!

  2. 2:30 its called cornish bakery, not coffee and pastries, they have them everywhere

  3. And you'll be celebrating your 10 year anniversary! 🎉

  4. BRILLIANT with the car seals on the veggie beds!! 👏👏😃

  5. Novie is fighting sleep as hard as she can. 😂

  6. youll be fine. im 45 and still upload lol

  7. I'm a little late but in ten years time I want to be completely anxiety free and married to the love of my life…

  8. wow, similarly, in 10 years i will have a 10 year old!! & hopefully another child as well. hopefully moved to a house with more space for the kiddos, hopefully still animating full time on paw patrol or another show- though it's been going strong for 10 years already! lol. & hopefully still enjoying your videos- they're so uplifting and instantly put me in a better mood. thanks for being a light in the world!

  9. Ottie yodeling along to The Sound of Music was just the cutest! ❤

  10. I know he was joking but I would love it if Sean came back to YouTube! My husband and I miss his videos and his vibe!!

  11. Hi Alfie and Zoe! I'm a loyal follower from Argentina. I've been watching you since I was 16, and now I'm 27! and I keep growing alongside you. Thanks to you, I'm trying to learned English!

    Your content has been so special, and you always have such a beautiful vibe. You are a wonderful family 💖

  12. I wanted to take a moment to say, I grew up watching you two and many others on YouTube who kept me company and laughing in my teens. Now, at 27 years old, I still enjoy watching, but to see what the future could hold for me and my husband. You were living a life I wanted in my 20s, and now what I think I'd want in my 30s. It's like having older siblings to look up to! So thank you for sharing these snapshots of your lives online – these videos make my heart feel full.

    In ten years, I'll be 37 years old, and hopefully a mom of one or two kiddos. I'm hopeful for my husband and I to own a home with some of the amenities you both and family enjoy, and maybe get to host fun events like you guys do. We're paying off university debt right now, so the plan is to take life step by step and reach those larger goals in time.

    Much love to your family!

  13. You should try Taith coffee in Lewes- it’s the best in Sussex!

  14. you and zoe made a video once where you said you wanted a magic door to australia and she wanted a magic door to mykonos or something!! how funny that ottie just said that

  15. it's called the cornish bakery, not coffee and pastries! That's just them outlining what they sell looool

  16. As a 45 year old I’ll tell you it isn’t that bad! Hahaha I still feel like I’m in my 20s. It’s weird!

  17. You should check out Taith in Lewes – also real good coffee and pastries and books for lil ones too 🫶

  18. Question for an upcoming video: 😊 Both of your girls’ speech is amazing! I have a 6 month old boy, could you please share some of what you and Zoe have done to help their speech blossom? Thank you! 🩷 Lovely cozy video as always!

  19. Alfie could you link in the buggy board here? Thank you 😂

  20. i have so many goals for the next 10 years it's so hard to narrow it down:

    – i want to be engaged or married to the man i'm currently with
    – i want to have at least 1 child
    – i want to have a home (no matter how small or big) for my small family
    – i want to either run my own small business or being a step closer to getting there
    – i want to be able to drive (currently 23 and going to start learning this year hopefully)
    – i want to have a dog or 2
    – i want to have helped my family in some way financially

  21. Ottie is absolutely lovely

  22. In 10 years time I wish to have kids and buy a house 🥰🥰

  23. I’ve been watching your videos since the beginning of your and Zoe’s career. I literally learned my English skills with you and have been living life almost in the same rhythm as you. It feels like you’re a kind of long-distance friend, and we’re catching up through these vlogs. Thank you for making them!

    I can’t wait for the upcoming summer because we’re traveling to England with our firstborn ☀️

  24. Wait, Ottie saying there's a magic door at the veg patch has given me flashback to a question you & zoe answered about magic doors and I'm sure you said Australia 🤯❤️

  25. Really appreciate the insights in this video.

  26. Australia mention from Ottie!! Love your videos here in West Aus

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