The “Zelda Guy” Challenged me to a Tears of the Kingdom Race

@Linkus7 and I compete in a Tears of the Kingdom Lockout Bingo race to see who is the greatest gamer of all time.


Editing: @devinecmd
Thumbnail: @Lycel

#SmallAnt #Linkus7 #zelda


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  1. Man this is from when Smant had that yeeyee ass haircut a month or two ago

  2. I never actually thought this collab would come…

  3. Wild how much linkus sniped and smant still wins

  4. 20:33 anyone else here Dark Travel music? (geometry dash reference)

  5. I love the ff16 music

  6. As a returning BOTW player, this entire video felt like being a kindergartener in an AP Calculus midterm review.

  7. I stopped playing the game once I accidentally updated it and couldn't dupe diamonds

  8. The fact that they perfectly guessed what the other was going for so many times in a row is incredible.

  9. hearing FFXVI music in a smant video made me unbelievably happy, i love that game and smant so much

  10. That was so epic!!

  11. For real! That strategy was pure genius—completely outplayed Linkus. The execution was next-level! 🔥♟🧠

  12. “It’s an open field!”
    -more people than I thought

  13. Final Fantasy 16 music goated was so shocked to hear it in the video

  14. Yall should do the multiplayer mod and race, so you can sabotage each other

  15. hey, i really like the editing in this one! particularly the way challenges were highlighted as yall mentioned them. i don't play the switch zeldas, so having those short descriptions really helped me follow along 🙂

  16. Hello, Humans
    Don't worry about your mistakes, focus on your victories, as time doesn't allow for many.


  17. It's awesome how much is reading your opponent

  18. smant getting chunky!!

  19. 17:36 That is such a gamer response XD

  20. Smant doing the schematics without a bow was HELLA CLUTCH

  21. ty for doing the game theory correct play of doing half of one goal and then going for the other, I never see people actually think of it and it always annoys me slightly!

  22. Your videos are always so helpful, thank you!

  23. Thank you for this video, very enlightening!

  24. Awesome video, looking forward to the next one!

  25. This was very informative, appreciate it.

  26. Great video! Really enjoyed it.

  27. This was exactly what I needed, thanks!

  28. Great job, this video was very useful!

  29. This was exactly what I needed, thanks!

  30. Loved the content, keep it coming!

  31. Love the content

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