Finding A Player Who Doesn’t Exist

I received a message on discord from someone asking if I could help them find a friend they hadn’t spoken with in a while. the task seemed innocent enough at first, but ended up being one of the most mysterious and darkest rabbit holes I’ve ever investigated. What happened to Alex? This is finding a minecraft player who doesn’t exist.

Channel: @xXCraftykinggXx

➤➤ Twitter:
➤➤ Discord:

➤➤Links: I dont think any? but maybe I’m forgetting

This is a series called Minecraft VVSauce where I explore random features of Minecraft. Not Secret Minecraft things or Minecraft lore (like Game Theory) or Escape Rooms, but a scary arg based series. The footage in this video isn’t of a real person, an ARG is a story that‘s known to be fictional but we all pretend it‘s real and try to solve the mystery that the owner of this channel created. Such is the life of an ARG hunter. Very scary very creepy. BOO!


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  1. Man, I swear old minecraft is litterally a horror game😅

  2. Pls wifies dont die on us 😢

  3. ‏‪32:21‬‏ good ending
    not like jjk

  4. Absolute cinema

  5. Is this reel

  6. Thank god I found this video again

  7. I would've given up on the first video lmao

  8. ‏‪2:40‬‏ do you see the massage

  9. Maybe the black figure is a dms employee watching him

  10. is the email real?

  11. A new hero!!!!!!! U r a hero u free a man to continue his life u r a hero we r proud of what did u do thx for helping him

  12. Help I can’t stop watching this

  13. the way that even wifies had problems solving this quite scares me, maybe i should watch out.

  14. Crafty: "NOO!!!!, you're real to me 😢"

  15. Bro Archived the Archive 💀🗿

  16. New Minecraft ARG! Yay🎉

  17. Explain it all to crafty or just send him this video

  18. Dayum that's insane

  19. There were 4 experiments you uncovered 1 what about the other 3…

  20. better than muse arg

  21. Absolute Cinema

  22. Rest in peace Legend

  23. Hey WIFIES I'm sorry you died in Unstable SMP 🙁

  24. If this video was a puzzle, what would be the missing piece? 🧩

  25. It feels so sigma it's all over the screen

  26. Have you noticed that archIve is a part in these videos of people disappearing.
    And wanted to ask if that mail was real?

  27. The minecraft Mod that hunts u down have same name of guy archive

  28. Godspeed…

  29. bla bla bla so tru for shore not fake

  30. Im sure i've seen the "ArchIve" channel before on another ARG

  31. its all shit and giggles when yk its a real ass story


  33. This is much scarier than Find Nulla bro 🥀😔

  34. M feels alot more justifiable now ngl

  35. Wow… I just wanted to take a quick look at this, but as always, you caught me… Keep making videos like this, I bet these are your most entertaining ones!

  36. You saved Him That deserves a like from everyone

  37. Fake or real idc this all of his videos make me so VERT CURIOUS I LIKE IT EVEN THO I GRT SCARED ITS SO GOOD

  38. such a well crafted story. bravo. props to you and everyone working on this project.

  39. bro as soon as the video started at 15:02 an ad popped up lol

  40. Wait, wait, wait wouldnt that mean that Alex still isnt alright since he freed him but didnt he get kidnapped so when he just woke up hes just gonna be infront of the achieves people

  41. kinda mid

  42. Another masterpiece, well down.

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