Boy, 3, dies after being dropped off at NYC hospital: NYPD

the child was unconscious and unresponsive and had bruising around his body, police said.


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  1. And people still wanna have kids in this world. What a joke!! The best thing anyone can do is to not being kids into this evil and suffering world. This world and society will NOT ever protect or care for children. This society and world uses and abused and exploits children! This world has 8 BILLION people! It does not need or want your child!! I will always feel bad for the children in this world! Always!

  2. ….the title makes it look like the NYPD is responsible for the death….is this a left wing legacy media?

  3. can’t believe kaity tong is 77years old aging like fine whine

  4. Rip to him, you won't be forgotten. I wish you were still here today. 🙏🕊💛

  5. Definitely the usual suspects.Americas biggest burden the basketball Americans.

  6. Sounds like people from the 13% of the population that cause a hundred percent of the problems.

  7. Not everyone deserves a child

  8. So heartbreaking 💔 what the hell do some people think? I'm so tired of hearing about child abuse and this is clearly a child abuse case!

  9. So fucking sad just take everyone’s baby seriously idc if you deserve it or not how can you kill a baby seriously

  10. how horrible 😢

  11. There are lots of good people who would have loved that precious boy.

  12. That’s so sad I pray that justice be served for this baby an it will because God he is a just God it’s so sad but we living in evil times 😢

  13. No cameras around the area?!

  14. Heartbreaking 😭 rest in peace little guy ~

  15. Rip little Angel! How very very sad!!! Omg hope they catch the parents!! Sounds like child abuse! He’s with God now safe!🙏❤️

  16. Bless this innocent soul. Your suffering is over ❤

  17. This is horrid!😢

  18. Wait a minute- the kids being killed by the dozens DAILY by American bombs, sit well with you??

  19. That’s terrible

  20. Dear Lord 😢

  21. Omg poor little boy 😢💔 so awful!!

  22. Why why why why are these people walking around hurting babies. I can’t stop feeling so deeply sad and tearful for this defenseless baby.

  23. 😢😢😢😢 smh

  24. Poor baby!

  25. My husband and I have always said we would take any of these little ones to love and raise. We are old and retired now but we would still do it

  26. This is so vile and evil imo. How could anyone do this to a precious innocent 3yr old or any child for that matter. I pray this sweet precious boy gets justice. Rest easy in the arms of Jesus now precious boy 💙🙏🏻🕊️👼🏻💙🙏🏻

  27. So sad!!

  28. Omg I’m so hurt poor baby oh. Lord. Let him rest in peace. Oh my god I’m crying

  29. Put the video camera recording on the news. Someone will speak up. How sad any kind of abuse is unacceptable.

  30. Poor baby RIP Angel

  31. This world belongs to Satan. That little boy is in the arms of the angels. Those parents will be judged one day. Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord🥲😢😭😥🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  32. So terrible!!!

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