Tropical Cyclone Alfred was originally forecast to make landfall tonight or early Friday morning, it‘s now thought the storm could cross the coast later tomorrow or even Saturday. Our 9News reporters are standing by with the latest forecasts, safety alerts and advice on getting through this storm. | *Subscribe and :*
►*Chapters in this video:*
0:00 Cyclone Alfred impacts being felt as it nears coast
3:46 Tropical Cyclone Alfred’s latest tracking data
5:03 Warning to beachgoers, surfers on the Gold Coast
6:29 Angry ocean, record swells ahead of Alfred
10:18 Bribie evacuation operation
12:08 Shelter for evacuees
13:23 Airports abandoned ahead of Cyclone Alfred arrival
16:41 Queensland premier provides update on Cyclone Alfred
18:36 NSW emergency warnings
19:24 Residents prepare for wild weather
20:30 Cyclone myths
21:59 Sunshine Coast in the firing line
23:35 Tropical Cyclone Alfred update
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No alcohol allowed in caboolture
24:16 the parents of those boys should be fined.
My prayers 🙏for all of you from Thailand. Wish you all be safe and get through this
sending prayers from cebu♥️🙏
It’s only a Cat 1 or 2 …that’s not that bad lol
Awesome Coverage. Stay Safe Everyone!
So why are comments turned on all of a sudden for this clip ? Cant get any bad feedback I guess – cant be held to account for your reporting
Where is my comment?
Prayers to those families and animals affected by the cyclone stay safe. From the UK ❤
wow, comments open! I wasn't expecting that!
Stay safe everyone!
& nice reporting, focusing on those doing the right thing & even using them to educate others what to do & I love that as many shelter animals as possible have a home to be in through the cyclone, rather than being in the shelter for it, that's so heartwarming
Darwin award candidates?
This is the some of the signs that will tell us that our saviour Jesus Christ will come and please people in Australia and other countries see and we must be repeat……. and I pray that God will protect you…..❤❤❤❤
People living in those Gold Coast high rises should evacuate apartments, frightening.
Thoughts are with you all there, 💕 keep safe from NZ
windows open cause a wind tunnel inside the building and can lift the roof and toss things around inside the building was told years ago by civil defence here in NZ also have a place to bunker down inside like in a bath tub or inner room like hall way where can shut all doors and mattress on floor to lay on and other mattress over self but make sure can breath. Praying for those affected.
Why are people so stupid and going into those beaches and weather? It’s dangerous! My sister has to close her business for two days. I feel for the elderly, disabled and small businesses! Preying for all 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Must check what happened tomorrow
The weather is changing all over the world ❤❤❤❤
You play you pay, stay home
Prayers from Ireland for all in the path of Cyclone Alfred. I have family in Brisbane. Hoping they will be safe. ❤❤❤
I predict it will stop moving and fizzle out.
Prayers and love for Queensland. Stay strong
So happy i never have to deal with this crap.
Rich people problems
Have a listen to the overreaction
Relax, nothing to worry about.
A mild breeze,and the media having orgasms over nothing.
Prayers from 🇿🇦I have family in Brisbane. Prayers for everyone🙏
Building's losing their facades in 90 KMH winds.! Like the United States, soft Building laws, and corruption
And flights prices went through the roof to $625 bloody greed!
Lord Jesus calm the sea with your mighty hands Amen and protect this people's
I have ex-friends who live in Brisbane or and gold coast…. Eventhough not close anymore, Im praying for their safety during this cyclone and for them to be well …Even my uncles,aunties and cousins wish them to stay safe and healthy… 😓❤️
Please stay away from danger a typhoon or cyclones are unpredictable, they’re strong enough to cause damages and even death. God bless us all.
🙏🙏🙏…. God please save Brisbane
😢 God speed to help all.
Prayers to Autralia… Call Jesus, the only way ….