Get hyped for the legendary franchise to return with Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3 + 4. Everything you loved is back, but revamped with more skaters, new parks, gnarlier tricks, eardrum shattering music, plus a whole lot more.
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The Slayer's back to Rip, Tear and Shred until it's done, and looks like he's brought company this time.
We need a petition for Activision to include career mode for this game
Redo that trailer theme song with Superman by Goldfinger…. don't disregard the generation who made that game popular. Derp Derp
I really don't care if they changed THPS4's career mode (I still have the OG Xbox disc and can slap it in my 360), all I know it's gonna be fun like 1 + 2. Considered this pre-ordered, Activision, Microsoft, Iron Galaxy and the Hawk Squad!
Foundry hit me straight in the childhood
colour me pre-ordered.
Crazy that the remastered 1+2 came out 4 years ago. What took you guys soo long?
Finaly good game releases on the horizon
be aware, activision
This is gold
I’m waiting for American wasteland and THUG 2 to be remastered
I demand that you put Leticia Bufoni in this game!
Is 1 & 2 remaster still dead? Because I couldn't find a game online about year ago.
Wake me up when Underground 2 and American Wasteland get remade, because I couldn't care less about anything else.
You made your money from the original game and now you want more. So just make the game how we liked it. I loved THPS4 but the 2 minute run thing didn’t age perfectly. So don’t throw the most dated part of the games into the remaster that didn’t have it originally.
still thinking of that airport level every single time i'm at an actual airport!
Can't wait!
Seeing the Canada map brought so many memories back
We need American Wasteland for next Gen 😭😭😭
Secret skins like Wolverine and Darth Maul are hopefully coming back as well
The music gives me goosebumps. Hopefully Stevo and bam are playable. ❤
Just want THUG tbh
Can someone explain what prevents the older songs from appearing? SO PUMPED THANK YOU TONY HAWK
+ digital deluxe pre-order junk
They did such a great job remaking 1&2, can’t wait to play this
how to take a 38 year old man from dreading work to smile on his face in less than 2 seconds…. I could buy a PS5 just for this.
If bam is not in it, I'm not buying
Welcome back, my childhood! 🥲
1:06 Need bikini babes or no pre-order
man I used to rock tony hawk some 15-20 years ago. What a great game, great music.. and I never even had a skateboard in my life!!!
Moon man better be here
Canada in HD
No free roam campaign in THPS4 = no buy
you better put this song in : "Superman" Goldfinger
i bought a skateboard yesterday, and now this. hell yeah
Ps4 🎉
where can i get a jeff cap that stays on like that? mine falls off at the slightest breeze of wind… 0:27
The empty waterpark looks so fun 😍
0:47 saying new soundtrack is already a bad omen
Hear me out…American Wasteland🙌
Finger crossed 🤞 for Tyler The, Creator
Que momento para estar vivo!…
Absolutely do not support this game. This game is nothing more than a greedy cash grab from Activision. Vicarious Visions did an amazing job on 1+2 and Activision rewarded them by completing dismantling their development studio. Activision then hired a new development team for the job, and again was so greedy they deemed it "too ambitious" (meaning they're too cheap) to include the free roam and goals of THPS4, but are still marketing it as a true to original remake despite it having 1/10 of the original content. Do not support this greedy company under any circumstances.
Modern games woke trash. We all excited about old remakes
Also, I hope it’s got Iron Maiden – The Number of the Beast on the soundtrack.