Tipping: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

John Oliver discusses tipping, why it’s more complicated and fraught than you might realize, how we can address some of the issues surrounding it, and whether or not he deserves 25% at the end of this story.

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  1. It would be nice if he could go 5 minutes without getting political. I was a bartender and I did well with tips and it wasn’t a great bar.

  2. For someone from the Netherlands it was very insightfull. Thanks! As a tip to you a free tutorial to improve your Dutch accent to the high level of the rest of your act; https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Shk9XUUrU70

  3. I’m from the “it’s weird and rude to tip” part of the world

  4. Took all of 3min for a Trump joke, that might be a record for LWT

  5. The more the consumer has to pay "tip" for the employee's overall pay, the less the employer has to pay out. Ergo, encouraging tipping is sole to ensure business owners end up with more money. That said, Elon musk could then tip Trump, say $500000000 for a job well done…tax free.

  6. seeing eric d'alessandro on john oliver was not on my bingo card LOL

  7. Honestly, I've been avoiding last week tonight to avoid crippling anxiety, but tipping, I could watch one about tipping.

  8. As a previous Papa Johns worker we got 4$ an hr for being a delivery driver. I used to work 70-80 hrs biweekly and my biweekly paycheck would be as low as 30$ after taxes. It was always a wild night when you wouldn't make any tips so depending on how much gas you spent you could be in the negative for the night.

  9. When I lived in Canada I tipped a waiter and he got genuinely upset and accused me of thinking he was poor. Had to explain I was from southern u.s.a. and we depend on tips in restaurants. Wild learning that they're making full wages and yet the food wasn't more expensive for it.

  10. Who’s the bad guy? The employer who doesn’t pay their employees fair wages or the consumers who pay tips to cover the employers who don’t pay their employees and counts on consumers- the bad guy is the employer, not the employee and the consumers … the impound lot is the funniest one… also corporations are robbing all in general especially when they ask if you want to make a donation????

  11. US is really one of the biggest shit holes in the world. Most of the practiced mentioned in this video are plane illegal in the bigger part of the world…

  12. if i ever feel dubious about tipping, ill ask the person if the tip actually goes to them. if it does, ill tip. if it doesn't, i wont

  13. Surprise surprise. No taxes on tip or overtime didn't make it into the budget.

  14. A $100 bottle of wine and a $30 bottle of wine involve the exact same labor to bring and pour, for the server. Why, then, are we expected to tip $20 (assuming 20%) for the former, and only $6 for the latter??? Makes zero sense.

  15. Jobs based on tips is right. The issue starts here

  16. T.I.P.S; To insure proper service. Originally started as incentive and paid before service 😂

  17. So, as a tipped employee (bartender) in California, one of the states with a very good minimum wage there is a part of this entire conversation that is constantly missed for people. Taxed wages are provable income. If I want to get an apartment or buy a car, I need to prove my income. Ignoring the fact that professional restaurant personnel are in fact very skilled and deserving of the wages they receive, if I want to afford an apartment I have to be able to prove that I make 3 times the rent. If I don’t claim those tips, I don’t have a record of that money. As a tipped employee, it does not make sense for me to revert back to a place in which I make $15 an hour and can’t afford my $2000 a month apartment. If you want your bartenders or servers to not pay taxes, tip cash. Let them choose to claim what they need to prove income. But don’t not tip. This world is expensive, and the industry needs truly passionate people even if you don’t consider it high skilled work.

  18. Tipping is hidden inflation.

  19. Iwas in SUBWAY and they asked for a TIP.

  20. Not every state is regulated as low as half of minimum wages.

  21. Automatic tipping (especially for self service) is BS. Get rid of the sub minimum wage, and make tipping optional based on service.

  22. Tipping culture in MN is also insane despite the minimum wages

  23. I was raised that 20% for staggard service and more for better, and less for less. I tip in advance at fine restaurants and bigger tables

  24. Tired of people defending the sub-minimum wage. Just accept the idea of the minimum wage lady because keeping a failed system because you might not get tipped as often is stupid. Everyone else is suffering from it.

  25. Only in AMERICA

  26. Obviously individually choosing to not tip is dumb and will get us nowhere. But if we all decide to stop tipping companies will be forced to pay their employees more

  27. Learn to code.

  28. John deserves all the tips! 😂👏

  29. Years ago, in the early 80's, I was a food server at a new buffet in a Nevada casino. It was common to have a "compted party," a party that got a free dinner from management, seated in my section. The party would normally be anywhere from 4-10 people and hold a table for the duration of the shift. I was stiffed tips from most of these parties, even though they didn't pay a dime for their endless surf and turf meal. At the end of my shift, I had to tip out the bartenders, the bus boy, the desert bar, and the hostess. More than once, I left work with only $5 of tips left in my pocket. We were also taxed over 7% for each meal ticket bill from our section. Our wage was in the $3 range. Back then, pantyhose, and skirts were mandatory attire, and comfortable shoes, which were not supplied by our employer. Food servers work their butts off for their tips. Its a difficult job.

  30. As a Canadian…I politely agree!

  31. The argument against having the tips included in the menu is dumb. Everyone is OK with it and prefers it to tips, so if it becomes the law people will just deal with it tbh. There may be some drop off but not much.

  32. I put 0% tip in all those screens now with a straight face 😐

  33. As a casino worker I started at 4.75 an hour. I currently make more than minimum wage due to my current employer raising the base rate above it, but still I'd love to see something that makes it so I just get paid by my job the same amount I make in tips.

    My biggest fear is if there was a ban on tips i'd just get paid way less by my employer.

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