How Much Air Before It EXPLODES?

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Music used with permission and licensed to How Ridiculous by Dream Records LLC | Sync Royalty


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  1. How do I do the entry thing to be in a video. you explained it but I still don’t get it ✋🏻

  2. You just made a meme

  3. Hell yeah I wanna be in video I even got me on YouTube channel Oh I can do a collab with you guys

  4. I cannot believe how stupid you guys are for doing that with the pressure cooker. Like that cheap ass, thin lexan blocking your upper half would do ANYTHING. Get some survival instincts boys.

  5. If the hose was not used and then replaced, then Scott gets a point

  6. If you cant get a David Attenborough voice impersonator to narrate the Rexy spawning habits, ill be severely disappointed

  7. The big red ball when it popped in slow mode it looked like Pac-Man

  8. Yogurt in the InstantPot is actually really good!!

  9. Gaunson at the operating table opening up a patient: how many doors!!

  10. Dr G! Is in da house!!

  11. eww PSI…

  12. There is actually a guy who can explode hot water bottles with his lungs, and he holds a wolrd record

  13. 11:11 Boston marathon !!!!! Not smart

  14. terrible hardware, stick to rubber

  15. Not a bad attempt for the Rexy Space Program! Some day RSP will make it out of the atmosphere.

  16. I would also have gladly have Scott as my doctor 🙂

  17. With all the time and money in your hands I am surprised you don't know what a bottle is or your vocabulary isn't very good. You should use that money for education . That way you could actually show the viewers that you are educated and not lazy. And I do get a lot of lazy vibes from you guys. I guess that's what money does to people and you guys reflect it very well.

  18. Im on team Gaunson. He was right about the hose. It would have had microfractures for sure.

  19. I cant believe you guys didn't do this outside… pressure cooker?! That is a bomb.

  20. I’m sorry but that just isn’t a water bottle

  21. The bouncy balls falling off the top of the bucket reminded me of toy story so much!

  22. if Gaunson is my doctor I'm asking to be taken off the machine

  23. Honestly, the hose, even with the bubbles is okay to use. Typical air hoses have an inner tube, a textile braid and then the outer layer. At higher pressures air or gas can work back through the crimp end and get trapped between the outside of the inner tube and the outer rubber layer, causing it to inflate or bubble. The inner tube isn’t usually affected and is fully functional. Mainly a cosmetic issue with the bubbles. Most air hoses, if you look closely have pin holes in that outer layer to allow air or gases to escape and avoid the ballooning/bubbles effect.

  24. Is Michael still on the team? Did he retire?! I keep asking haven't seen him in a viddie in awhile!!

  25. Meh. Start dropping things again.

  26. scott gaunson
    brett stanford and i cant for the life of me remember herrons sorrry

  27. Deformation of the hose is a failure.

  28. An idea for next time: Flex Seal Watermelon

  29. With the pressure cooker, you’ve made a pneumatic ied lol. More a noise maker than a weapon but still funny

  30. “Stay away from the single ‘O’”😂

  31. The high speed footage of the exercise ball blowing while Brett and Derek were sitting on it was a beautiful example of the principles of inertia!! Love it!! Fingers crossed, would love to film with you guys.

  32. First time ever???? you did a meet up and video at the drop tower a few years ago

  33. 5:12 – I'm not a fan of those newfangle drill bits that disappear after you drill the hole…. Very strange. 😏😂

  34. Ghonson would make a wonderful doctor, as I would make a wonderful spelling techer! 😉

  35. I think the boys might be in their "difficult 2nd album" phase…

  36. I signed up!! I’d love an invite!! My passport is valid through 2035!! Let’s go!

  37. 26:59 Full on Pacmanage

  38. 8:22 How it feels to watch some of these slow mo shots xD

  39. Justice for Gaunson

    That hose counts as failed. Give him his point.

  40. The title man, omg XD

  41. I used to work someplace where people would blow up soda and water bottles to scare other employees. It was the night shift. People would poke a hole in the cap of their soda bottle just big enough to squeeze the air nozzle into. Put a rubber band around the handle on the air nozzle to where it's inflating the water bottle. Toss it into somebody's work area and wait for it to explode.

  42. signed up straight away! love to go to Switzerland and meet you guys!!! i could die happy after that!

  43. Anyone heard Messi and then rewinded and heard Ronaldo?

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