FULL SPEECH: Michigan Sen. Elissa Slotkin delivers Democratic response to Trump’s address

Michigan Sen. Elissa Slotkin delivers Democratic response to Trump’s address to Congress
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  1. America is not a democracy. It's a constitutional republic hence why Republicans won in 2024 and Democrats lost. This simple fact goes to show how delusional this woman and those she represents are.

  2. Trump is a gruesome monster. Is there not any law that at least requires him and Musk to go through investigations??? They rigged the election!

  3. Stop sitting on or hands and wallets. HELP.
    Make America Great Again
    You have ZERO credibility for your wild corruption. speculations, and lying fantasies.

  4. Dumb liberal Twit

  5. Just wt we need.. moral clarity from a lying c.i.a. ghost with no recon reject spook… since when did the democrats want to bring jobs back to the U.S when they were the ones who sent them away to china(clinton)😮 and are the reason china is strong & russia invaded ukraine also opened the border(biden-harris)…bunch of democratic hot air

  6. 9:10 You're forgetting we don't need Canadian Oil we have plenty of our own if the restrictions were dropped inviting Draconian cuts on oil or reversed by the way we don't have a democracy it's a republic to protect the minority not the majority Democrats want to take your gas stove want to take your car make a car more expensive buy an electric car electric cars are worse for the environment that toxic batteries all Democrats want to take the guns away so you can't protect yourself we are not subjects with citizens just that makes us less safe the price of diesel is why the food gone is gone up food is delivered with diesel trucks what you want to ban democrats should never get elected again not illegal immigrants who take $2,500 a month in veterans get nothing of that illegals never paid into the system illegals are criminals they are illegal and need to go no Democrats do not represent the American people add all those different people you speak of shouldn't go in front of the line and shouldn't get privileges privileges privileges once again it's not a democracy it's a republic knock at the door at the middle of the night like the ATF trying to kill you for owning a gun when is your passionate about you're passionate about taking all the guns away you shouldn't be elected dog catcher lighting 20 million illegals in is going through something it's called Anarchy stacking the vote for Democrats Democrats are anti freedom antique car anti-personal freedom on all levels don't vote for Democrats unless you want to take the bus and then I was someone wants to kill you or stab you or break the door down

  7. Slotkin = Khazarian Mafia double agent

  8. CIA — that's all I need to know

  9. The democrats are completely unserious

  10. 🤮🤮🤮

  11. I am a United States Army Veteran. I also have good memory that the CIA has lied us into wars that killed my brothers and sisters in uniform for nothing but greed. Parents whose children either didn't come home, or if they did, were forever changed. Pardon me if I don't gush over this woman.

  12. She forgot to include car prices that need to go way down. Car prices have increased more in the last years than in any other decade, and by a large margin. Americans spend more on cars and car insurance than their home. This is ridiculous.

  13. Dogshit democrats never learning from messing up again and again

  14. Absolutely nobody is stirred by this. Why did she jerk off Reagan? What is wrong with the democrat party? Can we please get anyone that knows what the fuck they are doing?

  15. Excellent speach, thank you Senator.

  16. Slotkin's positions: Pro-death penalty, opposes medicare for all, opposed student debt relief during the pandemic, one of 2 Dems that voted for a bill designed to make the pride flag illegal in department of defence facilities, describes herself as a zionist, describes Ronald Reagan as her idol. This woman is basically a REBUBLICAN FROM THE 2000s

  17. Well done thank you Elissa Slotkin God bless you mom 🙏🙏🙏

  18. So refreshing to hear some coherent common sense! 😢

  19. you know what guys we have tried and failed with this strategy 2x now, but you know what we will try it again for a 3rd time!!!! this is embarrassing neocons dying breed looks like its alive and well in democratic party hahah you will loose every single time on issues because you do not flight for anything! if i have to choose a maga light i will go for real thing! and never again go back to you feckless neo cons! you are the reason we are in this situation in a first place!!!! invoking RAGAN that should be a punishable!

  20. Slotkin is paid off by AIPAC 🇮🇱
    Love her work as Sara Stone tho

  21. 🫒 Republic not a democracy It's in the pledge.
    This woman is a snake and doesn't have common sense when it comes to LBGTQAI +
    And has the gall to use the term moral clarity. 😒
    And regards to the border the former administration doesn't know anything about who's here 12-15 million people, where are they? hundreds of thousands of children where are they?
    And principled leaders especially on the Democratic side, don't make me throw up. 🤮
    Well spoken but working for the evil one. 🤨

  22. Ps after hiding all my life I am now a part of the trans community.

  23. Thankfully there are representation like you i to have served my country in the military intelligence community and😢 don't have to make America great again because it already is . Dump the Trump

  24. Did Alissa Slotkin vote for Marco Rubio? If so, let vote her out of office next go round.

  25. Great response to Trump’s agenda. Great framing of the conversations we need to have.

  26. 🤮double agent bs artist. look at her voting record. disgusting a hole just like Sinema Pelosi and Schumer. corporate dems have cost everyone everything. vote her out!

  27. The angry lying cia agent from the deep state. the power behind all the corruption and the very weapon that has been snufing out the lights of democracy across the world, their latest target, not to forget their Coup in Ukraine in 2014 with 5 billion CIA dollars, has been Romania, where the one elected was falsely taken down with the same old russia russia russia lies the very same perped on the USA and our current President FOR YEARS since 016.

  28. Dad was Republican, mom was a democrat….no way that was a great relationship!….because politics is values!….Slotkin trying to come off as a moderate…but she lied a bunch of times…and failed to take responsibility for the open border fiasco!

  29. Started well, then went back to the same story story from the left. Trumps been in the WH for a little over a month. Let Him work

  30. I live in Michigan and listening to her sounds like Trump's playbook except for the end where she starts attacking the so-called rich people causing all the problems. Now we're back to the same Democratic playbook. I wish they would just sell their own plan and be done with it. I would respect them more.

  31. What can we DO to stop it?

  32. How will you protect US of America from the Trump regime?

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