Authorities reveal cause of death for actor Gene Hackman and wife — more
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Poor man was left to die in the worst death possible alone..
Ive seen this,
Patholigist looks very uncomfortable
Shouldn't the lead detective on the case be doing these statements ? These two other guys that are standing behind his other guy do they have anything to add to the the deaths ?
Gene and his wife?.?
Society is measured by how it treats its elderly… We all have to do more for our elderly neighbors.
Gullible?? Still so many unaswered questions. The investigation and finding, is never laid out 💯%. Anyone else getting the impression their holding information.
Curious as why, no toxicology report was given for Besty or the dog. Betsy, was found on the bathroom floor with pills spilled about. Was there meds found in the stomache? Any not prescribed by PCP? .
Betsy's tissue would have been able to tell how long she had been exposed to the Havanvirus. Infectious Disease should have been part of the investigation.
The dog should have had an indepth autopsy with tissue and toxicology screening as well. There was no information pertaining to food found in Betsys or the dogs stomache, if there was food visible, what was that food, digestion rate of the content. Was food sent for analyst.
Very easy to unalive someone with a capsule medication.
It seems like the PD is lacking in chasing information and tightly gripping at their resources.
MA, acts as if it was a first time speaking to the Press/ Media. Very nervous along with choosing her words wisely. times I her career to public, media or a crowd.
🙏🏾💐R. I. P
Wow! No statement how the dog died. They are truly hiding criminal secrets.
I call B.S. on this video. They are hiding a murder scene!
So how was the wifes body positively identified?
Very well-done press conference. RIP to the Hackman's. So Sad!
Shame on the kids for not taking care of their parents nor communicating with them .
these people are criminals covid19? getreal.
So sad
The husband and wife were with their disease. And their dog wasn’t sick but was starving. And, the most important, no one’s attention for them….
What a sad story, now we sort of know a timeline.
Still wonder why, that dr stated they normally dont do these type of reveals. Was a bit ynclesr why they did do it this time. She stated " due to circumstances", know nds vague.
She seems tonhave very good inowledge of speaking in front of a crowd. Really appreciated, she rephrased the question, so alsonwe got to hear it.
I call bs
‘Villains are always the best roles’… never been more true of Hackman, one of those great actors! RIP.
What a load of $#!+. All 3 dying in the same time frame. Poor investigation, typical of America
Bring out the Entire Law enforcement for a Celebrity. Where are ALL the MISSING CHILDREN OVER THE LAST 4 YEARS. AMERICA IS TRULY A JOKE.
Rich man who has rodents in his house and dies of it ? Even i dont have rodents .
Seems his rich but stingy. Why dont they have a nurse and a house keeper ? They are stingy. How much does it cost to get a house keeper?
I wish I could still believe press conferences.
The doctor sounds cohersed
He didnt hear the dog barking?!
What about the dog?
Did the dog have Hanta virus
Did she contract it from the vets 🤷🏽♂️
That’s pretty sad to have died in such circumstances and nobody came to visit them on a regular basis so sad for the families
Deb I sent you the link regarding Gene Hackman’s and his wife cause death from the New Mexico Sheriff’s Press Conference on You Tube
Did they get the covid shot?????
The audio on this video is TERRIBLE. I have my computer volume on HIGH, and the YouTube audio on HIGH, and still can barely hear the people at the mics, let alone the reporters asking questions. If you can PLEASE repost…
Where is the "testing: for brain cells in the coroner?
And in the health care system they've been mentioning about gene hacking. Do you ask get it yet, his apparent name is gene hackman and they're talking about gene hacking . Are you all awake yet
Buddha the Indian man died of food poisoning at age 80… every one who know Trumb knows he will die of old age too…