TC Alfred Perfection at Kirra! Biggest Swell in Years Slams Gold Coast

We first began tracking Tropical Cyclone Alfred in late February. it wasn’t clear how surfable the swell would be, but as it turns out, Alfred was very, very surfable —especially at Kirra—and will be talked about for years to come.

Notably, Alfred is also the first cyclone to make landfall in Southern Queensland in 51 years, with its landfall occurring just as we go to press. The full impact of this storm will continue to unfold in the coming days.

As for the surf? “People are charging,” said Queensland surfer Korbin Hutchings. “It’s gnarly out at Kirra—wide, thick, heavy, and shallow. You’re getting lit up out there. The swell is relentless.”

Residents of Queensland are advised to stay informed through local resources for the latest updates.

Filmed by: Jesse Little, Dan Scott, Huw Williams and Andy Potts
Edited by: Michael Weybret

Thumbnail photo: Simon “Swilly” Williams

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  1. Love Mick Fannings passion and respect for the craft.

  2. So much better seeing the no-names make it…but i guess i need more neck tattoos to be a boss at Kirra

  3. Omg that’s just the best ride I’ve ever seen what a ride

  4. sick ! love the edit

  5. lucky yous,,,, epic

  6. 👳🏻‍♂️.. Good.. Good.. Give King Alfred Big Bag Beef Jerky

  7. Wow nice waves but where were these 10 metre waves the media spoke of. Saw. Nothing more than a few 3 meter sets! Nothing out of the ordinary guys

  8. The wave of my life

  9. Wow how good was that.

  10. Dingo and Fanning haven’t lost anything!

  11. Longest barrel maybe .!! Ive ever witnessed

  12. Great footage and story telling. Atrocious soundtrack

  13. Burleigh wasn't too bad either

  14. Turn down the I just won lotto celebrations fellas it"s a friggin tube ride

  15. Why so many jet skis?

  16. What an awesome line up of waves.

  17. 6:02 was actually the best ride

  18. & The "GREEN ROOM" 👍 LOOKS Soooo ~ ❤ Perfect & ❤ POWER fully 🌬 🆘️ Beautifull ❤ Thanks be to Y.H.V.H. , Yesuah & The Holy Spirit ~ Amen 🙏 ❤ 🆗️

  19. Those are soon deep barrels! Sweet.

  20. Excellent footage here, some incredible waves with almost unreal-long barrel rides. Thanks for sharing all(?) clips at full speed to get a real sense of the waves’ power and scale.

  21. These are some true surf perfect storm conditions

  22. That barrel was so badass.
    Don't delete this.

  23. Good to see the girls getting amongst it

  24. That was just the best !!!

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