Does light take all possible paths at the same time? Get exclusive NordVPN deal here ➵ it’s risk free with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee!
A massive thank you to Dr. Andrew Mitchell for all his help and expertise. If you want to delve further into this topic then we highly recommend his lecture on Classical physics derived from quantum mechanics:
We’re incredibly grateful to Prof. David Kaiser, Prof. Steven Strogatz, Prof. Geraint F. Lewis, Elba Alonso-Monsalve, Prof. Christopher S. Baird, Prof. Anthony Bloch, and Prof. Stephen Bartlett for their invaluable contributions to this video.
A special thanks to Mahesh Shenoy from FloatHeadPhysics for his help with this video. Check out his excellent intuitive video on the UV Catastrophe here (Sep 2024):
0:00 What path does light travel?
2:40 Black Body Radiation
6:47 How did Planck solve the ultraviolet catastrophe?
9:42 The Quantum of Action
13:25 De Broglie’s Hypothesis
15:16 The Double Slit Experiment
20:00 How Feynman Did Quantum Mechanics
25:01 Proof that Light Takes Every Path
31:16 The Theory of Everything
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Try Snatoms! A molecular modelling kit I invented where the atoms snap together.
Armin Hermann (Nov 1974). The Genesis of Quantum Theory (1899-1913). –
Richard P. Feynman (1985). QED The Strange Theory of Light and Matter. –
A fantastic book on the history of the Principle of Least Action: Rojo, A. and Bloch, A. The
Principle of Least Action: History and Physics. –
Coopersmith, J. (2017). The lazy universe: an introduction to the principle of least action. Oxford University Press. –
PBS Space Time. (Nov 2021) –
Sabine Hossenfelder. (May 2022) –
Max Planck (1901). On the Law of Distribution of Energy in the Normal Spectrum. Annalen der Physik –
Paul Ehrenfest (1911). Welche Züge der Lichtquantenhypothese spielen in der Theorie der Wärmestrahlung eine wesentliche Rolle?. Wiley Online Library –
Nils-Erik Bomark and Reidun Renstrøm (Aug 2023). The Ultraviolet myth. Proceedings of Science –
Planck’s law. In Wikipedia –
PBS Space Time. (Jul 2017). –
Einstein and The Photoelectric Effect. (Jan 2005) via APS News –
Louis de Broglie (1924). On the Theory of Quanta. –
Larry Sorensen (2012). Path Integrals 1. University of Washington –
Feynman’s Method of “A Particle Exploring All Possible Paths”. (Mar 2018) via Pure Dhamma –
A great intuitive video on the Feynman path integral approach –
Origins of Quantum Theory. via University of Pittsburgh –
Images & Video:
Nobistor Altona 1880 via NDR –
Edison incandescent lights by William J. Hammer via Wikimedia Commons –
The full expanded form of the Standard Model Lagrangian by Chen Ning Yang et al. via Wikipedia –
Muon Ray. (2011).
Muon Ray. (2011).
Bohrs Atomic Model via EEEGUIDE.COM –
Special thanks to our Patreon supporters:
Adam Foreman, Albert Wenger, Alex Porter, Alexander Tamas, Anton Ragin, Autodidactic Studios, Balkrishna Heroor, Bertrand Serlet, Blake Byers, Bruce, Dave Kircher, David Johnston, David Tseng, Evgeny Skvortsov, Garrett Mueller, Gnare, gpoly, Greg Scopel, Juan Benet, Keith England, KeyWestr, Kyi, Lee Redden, Marinus Kuivenhoven, Matthias Wrobel, Meekay, meg noah, Michael Krugman, Orlando Bassotto, Paul Peijzel, qiaohui wei, Richard Sundvall, Sam Lutfi, Tj Steyn, TTST, Ubiquity Ventures, wolfee
Directed by Casper Mebius
Written by Casper Mebius and Derek Muller
Edited by Trenton Oliver and Peter Nelson
Animated by Fabio Albertelli, Mike Radjabov, Ivy Tello, Andrew Neet and Emma Wright
Illustrations by Jakub Misiek, Tommy A. Steven and Cainejan Esperanza
Filmed by Derek Muller and Casper Mebius
Produced by Casper Mebius, Derek Muller, Rob Beasley Spence, Gabe Bean, Geeta Thakur, Emilia Gyles, Zoe Heron, Emily Zhang and Tori Brittain
Thumbnail contributions by Ignat Berbeci, Ben Powell, Jakub Misiek, Ren Hurley, and Peter Sheppard
Additional video/photos supplied by Getty Images and Storyblocks
Music from Epidemic Sound
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does this mean it's possible to capture photography from unconventional locations or angles and see thing that normally requires straight lines of sight?
Clearly explained and revised all those qphy topics so intuitively, connecting all the dots properly, in a perfect pedagogy. Also at the same time making it fun, surprising and exciting when history goosebumps! Great entertainment+learning. One of the best videos on YouTube by now
All possible paths include running around in circles 100, 1000, 10000 times in one place before going to your destination that doesntbmake any sense.
What about looking at a single cell, the first cell on Earth even, as acting similar to a particule? Playing out every possibility, with generations or eras as being the screens that the particle travels through?
"If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics" Richard Feynman
at 27:00 is it explaing why light really get distributed? or i didnt understand because he is saying light take all the path which it does by scattering
15:18 …but why is it necessarily so that they “must” explore all possible paths? The reason is not made clear to me (possible that it is my fault).
You didn’t factor in the swell. Direction of the water
Great video. A question, I don’t understand why you have to film the interviewee with your own camera, when the distant one, filming both of you, suffice.
wait, wasn't that just the indirect light coming off the laser? he's directly over the film? idk I'm just going by what they are saying. block the area below the laser and retry..
I noticed that light behaves weirdly when I tried to understand how anti-reflective coating works.
When I think like "light travels further and further, then reaches coating, then reflects…", logic breaks soon – light can't then disappear from one point and appear at the right place.
Instead it somehow "knows" that coating is ahead and choses correct path right away.
So the rule that angle of incidence equals angle of reflection applies for just one path,which also happens to be the path with least action.
Would this have anything to do with dark matter?
alternatively would it be a way in which we can create anti-gravity or travel through space time differently
The reflection experiment is the answer to the meme "how does the mirror see behind the cover?"
лайк за эксперемент.
Ok, so this is also part of the theoretical path that eliminates locality from physics, and ultimately leads to the idea of resonance-based rather than proximity-based interactions?
no need quantum mechanics, I'm not even understand the real world anyway…
Dear @Veritasium Team
I have questions.
As with a tilted mirror, which would also direct the light at a different angle to the camera, it is not clear with the foil whether its surface does exactly that.
If that is the case, then there are parts in the foil that behave exactly like a correspondingly tilted mirror and that would be why the effect is created as shown.
The laser only emits the light in one direction, but the lens still scatters, which is why we see the red glow in the video directly at the tip of the laser.
This is exactly the light that is weakly reflected by the foil, just like the light from the lamp before.
The experimental setup is unfortunately not entirely convincing.
The "magic" of the foil would no longer be quite so magical.
If that were proof of this behavior of light, then improving the experiment to exclude such questions would be absolutely worth every effort.
I would be very happy about it 🙂
1:10 as in the case of my friend my objective is to find the closest path for my destination but for what reason light is travelling i don't think so this example matches. as light is travelling and the point/line its travelling will always be that path itself.