the 90s were wild. Stay tuned for the Pizza Hut Book-it! program.
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W brewstew
Tornado drills! I don't know if you had them in elementary school, but once a month at my school in kansas the alarm would go off, scare the piss out of all of us, and we would go into the main hallway and duck and cover like they did in those old how to survive an a bomb movie from the 50s
Oh fuck me student graders do exist still they do it all the time in highschool still and it’s Ass
High school sucked. 5:33
Coat rooms still exist in my area lol
All the schools I've been to still have this stuff. The only difference (so far) is that they upgraded to more modern PCs, they now have working heater/ac in the portables, got rid of the TVs and VCRs, and replaced most of the chalkboards with whiteboards.
Scholastic book fair!
Gotta talk about the bookfair
I am a junior in high school, i haven’t touched a pencil the last 4 years let alone a pencil sharpener
My kids classes do in fact have that pencil sharpener. So is the scholastic book fair thing. The personal desk depends on the teacher their. They have to write "I will not shit on the teachers desk" on paper tho.
In 4th grade I got a reward for the messiest desk
The coat room is awesome i forgot all about that
Our desks in elementary school still had the old ink wells – seriously! There was a like a 4 " hole in the top/front of each desk. Wow – I am SO old!
the wall sharpener is still there
I grew up in an old school Italian household—my grandpa used to sharpen my grade school pencils with a kitchen knife…I would bring them to school and the other kids would be awestruck by the fact that I didn’t need to stand at the sharper & how cool they looked already neatly pre-sharpened…the 90’s were alright! 😄
As someone in school, we still have the pencil sharpeners, and yes they still suck
I went to school in the 2000s and 2010s and this is what it was like for me except in my freshman year of highschool they started doing Chromebooks this was 2015 which I can't believe was a decade ago
Those wall pencil sharpeners still exist and some classes don't even have electric sharpeners
Yes, the pencile sharpener still is in all the schools I've been in
Great stuff
Like nr 40160
Safety Patrol and D.A.R.E.
The most 90’s part of this video was when he said “if you were a little boy or a little girl”
Those type of terms aren’t allowed nowadays.
Personal pan pizzas for reading books, funny I'm 10 years older. And that I have supresd memory goals. Did you have the reach for the stars program and DARE back then too? Punky Brewster can suck knob for that F