Grant Horvat & Phil Mickelson challenge John Daly (2 Time Major Champion) & his son John Daly Jr. to an 18 Hole 2v2 Golf Match.
(Episode 2 Part 2)
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HUGE Thank you to Dutchman’s Pipe for hosting this match.
HyFlyers Socials:
For Wellness:
Bunkers in Baghdad:
Phil’s Socials
the Team:
You think we can go 2-0 Phil?
Great Match, Enjoyed watching
The shoes are classy👟
I wonder if JD brought up the British Open to bring up a sore spot and maybe shake Phil off his game?
Ouch… What was that cracking sound @16:20 as Big John is swinging?
How about a matchup with Kai & Donald Trump?
Let grant caddie for you Phil
Yall should get Michael Jordan/tiger combo vs y’all.
I want them shoes!
Phil & Grant really bring out the best in each other. Grant plays with Phil better than he plays anyone, especially Wesley lol.
I Love All You Guys!! Very Entertaining 👍🏻
Kind of was hoping to video was a little longer. 😂
The Dalys were awesome on the channel.
The neatest thing about the Henrik/Phil The Open Championship, Phil is naturally right-handed and plays as a lefty and Henrik is naturally left-handed and plays as a righty. BTW … Callaway rules!
Love the short videos. Watching birdies is way more fun. Nice work guys!
I love that Phil has taking Grant under his wing. You two look great playing together
Gotta play George and Wesley. Just for the trash talk alone.
The old tiger tee it low trick
Great seeing John Daly and his son, Little John is shaping up to be a Champion like his father! Good job Phil & Grant, lovin this series!
I'm loving Little John… hope he goes to LIV!
JD just cill af cheering every shot for everyone… love it. Phil being Phil is gold as usual. Great stuff!!
Celebrating and playing like you're in a final against an alcoholic and his younger son kinda made me cringe throughout the video, hot take but I don't care you guys sucked all the fun out of this one
Swear i heard johns back crack 😮 16:19
The “I wish we had 12 holes left; u wouldn’t have a chance.” Is such a typical b s cliche what if statement like I hate that shit. U had 18 holes get it done in that time or shut up but I love John but dudes just can’t admit defeat ever
Why aren't the tangerine gummies up on the site? Need eyesight help.
Good to see🤙🏼
JD looking at the shoes like "wtf?" 😂
Phil and Grant were made for each other…. No, that’s not a compliment. This will be the last of this series for me.
It would great to see you guys play the Bryan Brothers!
Calls his dad by his first name??🤷🏼
Good stuff guys can’t wait for the next
You guys are such a force together don’t know who is gonna be able to break the streak:)
Phil and Grants friendship here is so genuine – I love that YouTube has put these two together; these series are awesome and Phil’s ability to share knowledge is just unmatched!
Bring on the next challengers!
Match ASU fam, Preston Summerhays & Boyd Summerhays
The poor Daly's had to endure the yapping my goodness. What a snooze fest
really cool and fun game
go against tiger and his son next