Minecraft Live 2025: Announcement Trailer

Minecraft LIVE is the show to watch to learn about everything happening in the world of Minecraft! Our next one will broadcast at 1PM ET on Saturday March 22!

We’ll feature never-before-seen game drop content, go direct to our developers for the top-secret insights, and let you know what’s happening in the wider world of Minecraft. The upcoming show really is packed so be sure to tune in to get the news first-hand.

Whether you’re a seasoned crafter or a Minecraft newcomer, this show is a must-watch! Tune in to Minecraft.net on Saturday March 22 and get the inside info first-hand!


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  1. End update are you ready??

  2. You know what I like Minecraft story mode but I think they should add the wither storm as a mob in the game not just as a mod

  3. Minecraft animation and Minecraft with voiceover. I find both interesting, which one do you like better, I will do it according to your wishes. Please watch my videos and leave comments.

  4. The enderman flossing got me 😭

  5. I saw in minecraft in the title i was joining a game it has there will be an update in this game

  6. 寒带鸡让我想起了某位故人(坤坤,你干嘛)

  7. Jst give us the end update alresdy

  8. Minecraft 1.23 update

  9. Modging please make a mod like the creators of the maniac map. mot. so that the players can play. on the maniac's map, which they will make themselves.

  10. update compatibility up to android 14 because some permission are not working

  11. What hour that mob vote will started

  12. Add some netherite horse armor and horse armor trim

  13. If the movie was like this that will be much better 😭

  14. welp there goes my schedule for the week…

  15. Pls share 1.22 update🎉

  16. Ipl😂❤😂😂

  17. 1. I hate Mojang cuz they randomly took my account away
    2., the update is coming out on my birthday, something is off

  18. if we get an end update from this, im eating a sheet of paper

  19. Hi Mojang, sorry to bother you, but there is a texture glitch in Minecraft Bedrock. I don't know if you can fix the glitch, if so, thank you very much.

  20. Minecraft pls make warm and cold sheep pls🐏🐑

  21. I am looking forward to it

  22. Minecraft made a whole music video to release it LOL

  23. 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🙄🙄🙄

  24. Y sí muy bien estoy hablando en la votación que ganó el Panda

  25. Y también quiero que nos dé al cangrejo

  26. Motion por favor danos el mono dorado

  27. Please im begging you mojang…
    Epic End Update
    PLEASE and thank you!

  28. It felt like just yesterday when Minecraft live 2024 came out😭😭😭

  29. Please announce sharks in Oceans I've heard that you don't want hostile mobs to be real animals but then what does that make spiders and silverfish. Please sharks. 🙏 🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈

  30. You can see a face on the cow and pig’s snout 0:12

  31. adds furnace golem

  32. adds furnace golem

  33. adds furnace golem

  34. adds furnace golem

  35. adds furnace golem

  36. Minecraft I don’t like the new update because idk how to play with friends

  37. Estuvo bueno

  38. The end update

  39. alguien me podría ayudar adesir le amo yang que falleció el abuelo de bobicraft

  40. Mojanque tira o jen mod e para maiores de 18 anos pfv

  41. enderman flossing 💀

  42. you i'm so hyped rn!

  43. Minecraft ha crecido mucho 🥹💖

  44. Please give me a keep Avenue. They had a wonderful name creaking in 64 I I play on bedrock

  45. La end update se acerca 🗿

  46. strange that it comes out the 22nd and it is 1.22??!!

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