FULL SEGMENT: John Cena SELLS OUT and ruthlessly assaults Cody Rhodes: Elimination Chamber 2025

After Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes emphatically declines the Rock’s offer, John Cena shockingly attacks The American Nightmare, seemingly aligning with The Final Boss in an unforgettable conclusion to Elimination Chamber. Catch WWE action on Netflix, Peacock, USA Network, CW Network, Sony India andmore.
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  1. What’s Travis doing with a lighter burning up Cody’s Soul??

  2. We can now finally see john cena ,,,, and his true colors

  3. The only thing that I hate about this is Travis Scott, that twig didn’t have to be put there & now he busted Cody’s eardrum

  4. WHO fells like John we will save Cody against the rock so he can become a hero again

  5. Dear Canada, you're welcome. Hope this makes it better for our relationship

    Sincerely, America.

  6. So glad Dwayne and John are professionals because that rapper would have hurt Cody badly .

  7. now i hate cena

    Cena turns heel, Cody drops the f bomb, and Cole drops the s bomb

  9. Fantastic Cena Era 4

  10. Travis Scott no function 😂

  11. Not as unpopular as the American National Anthem. The true heel of the show

  12. I gotta say, what they did to Cody Rhodes was very kind compared to what heel Triple H, Unmasked Kane, Evolution, JBL, heel Undertaker, the ministry of Darkness, and heel Stone Cold tag teamed with heel Triple H, heel Dudley's would have done. Along with Jim Ross's screaming outrage and fuming disgust.

  13. Why the hell does the rock dress like Elvis now lol

  14. Watching this made me get back into wrestling.

    This is just crazy!

  15. An ad every 5 seconds

  16. Travis scott be in the wwe before dropping any singles is just absolutely bonkers

  17. What with this soul bs gimick?

  18. it ends the same way it started 21 ya: ruthless agression

  19. Should have more views

  20. It seems so strange. Especially when you hear it was supposed to be Cody turning heel. It's just cringe.

  21. John cena I am not your fan anymore 😡😡😡

  22. You're bad John cena, your the same with the rock😡😡😡

  23. The 3 guys from Fortnite beated up the guy from Call Of Duty 😭

  24. It's about time he want to the dark side wat away to go out and how i wish bray Wyatt was there too see it he called

  25. Travis Scott is garbage 🗑️ and has no business being anywhere near the WWE

  26. Why the sponsors dammit 😡

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