Dungeon Master Brennan Lee Mulligan Answers DnD Questions | Tech Support | WIRED

Dungeon Master and Dimension 20 host Brennan Lee Mulligan visits WIRED to answer the internet’s burning questions about Dungeons & Dragons. What are Brennan’s tips for first time DMs? How do you make compelling characters? What does someone need to get started playing Dungeons & Dragons? What’s the most accurate representation of DnD in pop culture? Answers to these questions and many more await on Dungeons & Dragons Support.


0:00 DnD Support
0:15 Most iconic monster
1:04 A great DnD character design tip
1:54 Friendship
2:54 Getting started with DnD
5:03 The best representation of DnD in pop culture?
6:23 Practicing your girl voice
7:20 How DnD alignments work
8:36 Paladins, Warlocks, and Sugar Daddies
9:21 Squish squish
9:51 I think he has dice but he’s afraid to show them to anyone
12:49 Fudging
14:04 The DnD golden rule
14:37 Favorite DnD character race and class combo
15:46 How do you handle a tpk?
17:05 But first, the tavern.
17:40 First time dungeon master tips
19:09 Critical roll vs Nat 20
20:05 When the dice won’t commit to the bit
21:02 Favorite spell
21:27 Can I play with you guys
22:34 Visiting another person’s campaign
24:30 Favorite magical item
25:09 You know what grinds my gears
26:11 Niche lore
26:59 If anything it’s the opposite
27:40 How much prep?
28:51 How many different editions
29:51 New rules?
30:42 Yee…haw?
31:32 Dungeons and Drag Queens? I’m in.
32:18 What does a Mimic look like when it’s not mimicking?

Director: Lisandro Perez-Rey
Director of Photography: Kevin Dynia
Editor: Richard Trammell
Expert: Brennan Lee Mulligan
Line Producer: Joseph Buscemi
Associate Producer: Paul Gulyas; Brandon White
Production Manager: Peter Brunette
Production Coordinator: Rhyan Lark
Talent Booker: Mica Medoff
Camera Operator: Christopher Eustache
Sound Mixer: Sean Paulsen
Production Assistant: Ryan Coppola
Groomer: Denise Renee Valentine
Post Production Supervisor: Christian Olguin
Post Production Coordinator: Rachel Kim
Supervising Editor: Rob Lombardi
Additional Editor: Jason Malizia
Assistant Editor: Billy Ward

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  1. The Greatest Magic of all was indeed….Friendship

  2. rolling a d4 for a dagger attack does just about as much damage as stepping on a METAL d4

  3. I don't see any reason a hibernating mimic cannot last 10 years on eating a single adventurer when we compare to theorized metabolic rates for colossal squid. They probably can eat someone or an animal every week if they find the right place to do it and remain awake more, but the ones you're finding in a cold damp dungeon are probably spending years between human-sized meals.

  4. 21:23 the best campaign I've ever ran was my first. Looking up rules as we played added a certain depth that really made the game funner. I have been chasing that high ever since. Coming up with things on the fly and figuring out how it worked. Man… no other campaign I've made has ever hit that high note. And I gave my players far more than I should have. But it was a lesson. Both me and my players were so happy. Less control isn't a bad thing.

  5. 3.5 is where I started and still my fav and who consistently plays wizards make friends with the tanks 😂

  6. I really hope the crew was ready for some overtime on this one.

  7. 30:42 please just use a different system I am BEGGING YOU
    You can only do so much by bending the rules of D&D

  8. So good. Love you Brennan!

  9. 14:20” Wrong! I ran B1 exactly as written, and Mr. Mike Carr sent me a note. The players mean nothing.

  10. handsome man. lots of coverup hiding that beautiful face
    hello my mnaemanaa sssssff

    good video too

  11. Video uses AI
    For shame

  12. Bears are more dangerous than owls only based on size. A bird of prey big enough to eat a human will 100% eat a human, probably while its still attempting to get away or fight back

  13. Not gonna lie I do like no prep for my games and just go off what feels right in the moment for my games

  14. 1:40 This was my #1 problem as a DM.
    Everyone wants to be Murderdeth, Last of the Blood Ninjas!!
    14:03 "It's 'role playing' not 'roll playing'."

  15. Chair mimic, the most evil thing ever!

  16. Honestly i think Community did the best job of actually showing what an average DnD session is like. The highs and lows in one session and cutting to table talk ober whats happening in game is so so so relatable, amd they do it so well

  17. Went a bit heavy on the lipstick

  18. "and i come in and make everybody sad" gosh golly aint that the darn truth loool

  19. I personally start off my players as either mercs or refugees

  20. There was an old west gunslinger (Murlynd) in Gary Gygax's orginal Greyhawk campaign. Heck, monks exist as a character class because another player was a fan of the old "Kung Fu" TV show. Trust me, there probably isn't a mash up out there that someone hasn't tried decades ago. You want weird? Go for it!

  21. Shoutout to WIRED for doing this. They've been killing it lately.

  22. When I was young I built my own roleplaying system. Knowing nothing about statistics, I decided it would use a D12 instead of a D20. It took about 2 sessions before I revised down to a D10, not for math purposes, but because we can't spend 2.7 hours out of a 3 hour session waiting for the die to stop rolling.

  23. I love mimics. I always make sure to include one in every tavern as a trashcan.
    I feel they're like cephalopods, specifically that one experiment where a cuttlefish was in a tank with a checkered pattern and it just has like one little white or black square in the middle of its back. SO CUTE!

  24. Mimics did not evolve to look like chests. They are shape changers that look like things made of wood or stone. Them looking like a treasure chest is merely the most enticing thing to a treasure seeking adventurer.

  25. Mimic, my favorite monster personally. I made them look like food, weapons, ammo, ladders, doors, cups, paintings, armor, clothing, bar, B.A.R. And so much more. A few of my PC actually have them still on them and don’t even know it. They never checked so I never told them. But in the next game… they will learn…

  26. I love that Brennan is so wholesome that his first instinct wasn’t to “fudge the rolls to hit instead of not hit” but to not hit instead of hit.

  27. @ 27:24 – The religious right needs panicked thinking to maintain spiritual/cultural control. The non-religious right needs people panicked about the collapse of social order. That's so we don't notice that the established order is the only thing keeping both groups in power. Critical thinking is the most dangerous thing either group faces.

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