Conan O’Brien’s Oscars 2025 Opening Monologue

Host Conan O’Brien kicks off the 97th Oscars with his opening monologue. See more highlights from Oscars 2025 on


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  1. Love u conan

  2. I love how geninue happy everyone was. It was like everyone was school kids again just bursting out laughing in a way I havent seen before at the Oscars.Conan is brilliant.
    Edward Nortons Laughing behind Timothy was adorable!♥️

  3. The only thing missing from this was Jordan Schlansky.

  4. Have this man do it every year for as long as he wants to!!!!!

  5. Move over Clapton, Conan is now God…

  6. This is actually the funniest he's ever been, he was hot tonight, hilarious, love him

  7. conan is the best

  8. The unnominated dancing Deadpool was the best 👏 let the courts be the judge. iykyk

  9. greed only giving us 720

  10. Good thing about Conan is he won't waste time

  11. Kyle looks stupid and out of place

  12. I tried to east h this w an open mind but yikes… Hollywood is so stale!

  13. Take a shot every time Conan says 'yeah'

  14. Miss this guy on a stage

  15. Why does nobody care that Conan only exists because of the death of another in this intr6? Very strange times indeed.

  16. The fact he goes into song and dance at the end is hilarious!! No time wasted 😂😂😂

  17. Hollywood died during the Obama years and it’s apparently still DEAD ☠️. A true revolution is needed to restore it to its former glory.

  18. Lol first time ive ever seen kylie look so nervous and out of place. Still dressed like a harlot

  19. Find a ma me next time who will open the program. Sad

  20. Oscars. . .a bunch of out of touch people who happened to get lucky enough to land a job doing what we ALL can do. People who then think they are Gods, I never watch. just looking to see the comment about out of touch, Blake Lively.

  21. "4 time Oscar viewer Conan O'Brien" that is a Conan line. And this is the only segment of this crap show i will watch bc of him

  22. this is how comedy is done, ABC. not your woke bullshit!

  23. Conan's humor is unique. A combination of intellectualism and silliness. Brilliance.

  24. Conan is the only reason most people watched this.

  25. what ricky gervais was busy

  26. 5:50 Peak Physical Comedy😂😂

  27. For the first time in years, I tuned in to the Oscars live and have been laughing my ass off at Conan’s hilarious introduction alone. He was no doubt a perfect choice to host.

  28. I love Adam God!!

  29. I wanna see that substance movie

  30. Conan did well, right tone and doesn't exactly look like he's beside himself with nerves – great job!

  31. Conan was the right choice. He’s entertaining and energetic. No one holds a candle to him. They prefer torches and pitchforks.

  32. Fun fact: The name YouTube

    in a breakdown; “You” as in the viewer and “Tube” as in when TV’s still used to have Light projected through a huge wide tube back in the 1900’s.

  33. The Blair Witch Project used the F word 169 times.

  34. Drinking game.. take a shot every time Conan says “Yeah!”.

  35. That sandworm cameo is Conan at his purest. That was straight out of late night and I loved it.

  36. God nothing really beats Conan on tv

  37. The GOAT of First We Feast "Hot Ones" just crushed it here, just like he did there!

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