CBS Legend Passes Away At Age 39, Y&R Hints At Next Big Death, Devon Walters Opens Up


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  1. …anything for a click/view.🤦🏻‍♀️

  2. You MFERs need to stop lying for views. If you produce some real, reputable news people maybe interested, but reporting people have died is wrong to that person, their family and fans. Shame on you!!!!

  3. It seems that we have been trolled

  4. 😢he had a touch of AIDs that he got from his adoptive homo couple.

  5. My heart dropped when I seen this I’m glad it’s NOT true they need to stop with the clickbait 😡🤬

  6. Great appearance.

  7. Please search Quran with English translation .
    Say: he is Allah the one.

  8. who did this s..t.this man aint dead.whomever did this has no morals

  9. What is this? Ai video

  10. These people need to be held accountable. Disgusting.

  11. How is this even trending?


  13. This ticked Me completely off. Had Me in shock just to see it was not him. Y'all really need to stop.😡

  14. Why y'all got me saying not him. N it ain't right

  15. This is a really crappy way to get people to watch / listen to your channel. It’s fake news

  16. So sad ..RIP

  17. It says Devon Walters opens up lil Richie from family matters is who died and Neil character too

  18. What a load of crap

  19. Why is this picture of Byton pictured. Terrible!!

  20. Misleading. I thought Devon Walters passed away.

  21. Who is she talking about ..She keep saying she ..Anything for views and likes

  22. I don’t think this is true. People need to stop with BS on social media. What a relative of his see that and think that he’s really dead.

  23. Why not put her pics up… u are sick kmft

  24. 😡😡😡I thought he died

  25. Why would you scroll his pictures like it's him! And it's a whole different person! Smh

  26. I'm sick of this page 😒

  27. They are talking about Michelle Trachtenberg rip Dawn Summers from Buffy the vampire Slayer 😢

  28. Why would someone do something as STUPID as this!!! Get a Life… You Low Life!!!😡😡

  29. I hope this is not true

  30. LYING (GOD is also listening and watching STOP LYING 🤥

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