Whatever You Hit, You Get! ft. Celine!

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  1. joga muito ❤

  2. Poor Fut Crunch, next time you win, both of them make a good team, but SV2 with Llelani would be better

  3. Bro literal Ampcrunch became almost the entire team alone, the injury that was made gave him a power up

  4. inshalllah you get better crunch 😢

  5. i thought you had a acl

  6. What a video definitely one of my favourites so far!

  7. 😂😂 ‏‪0:31‬‏

  8. 😂😂😂❤ ‏‪0:12‬‏ ❤ ‏‪0:12‬‏ ❤

  9. Crunch plss get better fast after ACL

  10. Ya mejor que quién es este es el mejor vídeo que vi en todos los vídeos

  11. How is futcrunch playing with an acl

  12. I thought you hurt your leg

  13. im from polish polska górą

  14. Another banger🎉🎉

  15. Hello, Humans
    There arw forces at work, to keep you weak and programmed. Don't fall into the traps humans set.


  16. Futcruch rıp ACL

  17. 20:18 kenan'a nasıl kötü dersin

  18. 7:42 Ohio ☠️

  19. the goat is back 😀

  20. rip his acl henry didnt mean to

  21. Crunch better❤

  22. 1:43 naahh Celine said van dick instead of Van dijk😂

  23. Bro please in french ! 😊

  24. Didnt crunch have an acl???

  25. Finely your okay

  26. glad you're feeling better!!

  27. Que vídeo legal

  28. The Best collaboration of the history of football

  29. didnt u tear ur acl? idk how the injury works i just know dosent it take like 9-12 months to recover

  30. I saw u on ishowspeed stream

  31. 𝒄𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓

  32. Sneijderrrr

  33. 0:28 ah shit here we go again

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