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Do you think Patrick Dumont has beef with Luka?
It's the casino stupid. Always follow the money. Trump should ban all casino owners from owning sports teams. Dumont took revenge on the state for not approving his casino. So he moved his star closer to Vegas. It's so obvious. Even CHINA HAS LAWS BANNING CASINO OWNERS FROM OWNING SPORTS TEAMS!!!! Gambling is ruining every sport. So many players getting kicked off teams for throwing games.
I think the lakers bought him for a billion under the table
NBA League office must make the owners of mavs sell the franchise and sell to lowest bidders immediately
"Luka is 270LBs"
Luka goes to Lakers press conference the next day and looks totally normal 😂
This has to be a crooked trade. It’s like Trump was representing the lakers and O’Briben was representing the mavs. This trade was brain-dead and scandalous. I’m outraged and I don’t even watch the league of oppressed billionaires
The mavs are trying to move the team
The NBA had BEEN rigged. Back when the league allowed the Miami superteam to link up but vetoed Chris Paul going to the Lakers for Kobe to run back a 3 peat 🐀
It reeks of Adam Silver.
Are you telling me the Lakers would have said "no deal" if the Mavs asked for 2 first round draft picks and/or swaps? Literally no one believes that.
I feel for Dallas, as an ex-Pirates fan here in Pittsburgh, I know what it's like to watch your team destroyed by an owner who doesn't care about winning. Hopefully the Luka move was just a mistake made by new ownership and they learn from it and Dallas doesn't have to endure DECADES of their team being kept shitty by ownership purposely in an attempt to maximize profits. Bob Nutting has killed baseball in Pittsburgh for at least 2 generations- nobody under 40 follows the team- I hope that's not Dallas's future. I wouldn't wish such a situation on fans of any franchise…. Ok, maybe I would on Baltimore Ravens fans
The trade is a setup from the league. It needs to be done. Lakers has much more fans than Mavs. It is how world works.
Get over it.
And Luka played injured much of the last season when they went to the finals.
This was all about the money someone ?!? In the Mav’s management made on the side, under the table, behind the wink, wink!
It seems like every time the NBA has a TV ratings problem, the Lakers and/or the Celtics win a one sided trade that propels them into the finals. Hey NBA, why don't you try improving the product some other way other than pumping up those two teams!
This would be like Larry Bird and Michael Jordan playing together….MJ would definitely get another ring with Bird. So LBJ better do the same or his legacy will be tarnished.
No offense but nothing just "took a dark turn"…this is all stuff that's been out there for a while.
This is just affirmation clickbait – but very well edited.
thought u had something to add. Will give a few more vids a shot, but damn bro
I kinda feel bad for Anthony Davis, lol. He's in a really tough situation!
More important than this or any trade is the NBA needs to stop being woke. That’s the reason people care about a trade and talk about it more and don’t watch games or care about nba any other time
This is truly one of the grimiest moves I've ever seen from an NBA franchise! I'm not even overly concerned with how they treated Luka, he'll be fine, but to sh!t on millions of fans like that is just SO DIRTY!
It's a shame Mark Cuban sold that team! I know some people didn't like his style, but he DEF wouldn't have pulled something like this
Ted lasso ahh drama
Staged, Dallas Mavericks was bought by league so that their baby team is always on primetime. NBA rigged!!!
Its not complicated. Adelson family is shady as fck. John Oliver did a nice piece on them. They look at a team like a stock, not like Cuban did. Endgame is Adelsons moving the team to Las Vegas where they have their casinos at. Trust me, its all about snatching the whole team and moving them
Nico is NOT calling the shots here. He’s being paid enough to cover up the fact that they wanted to get Luka to the Lakers to boost TV numbers and help the Addelsons with there big plans.