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  2. i love this for her lol she’s so cute

  3. if they break up it’s ggs

  4. Nah at 3:13 y’all could see his hairy ahh yk yk 😂

  5. Bruh get the prenup, she not fw you gang. Steady laughin at other folks.

  6. santea is so sweet.I really love this couple!!

  7. 9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
    Romans 10:9-10

  8. What happen to Ray 😭

  9. Everybody was talking shit about santea in the first video but his girl is the same way clearly and in this video it shows

  10. Love Santea in his bf era!

  11. Why’s he acting so weird lol. As if he’s a high schooler w a girlfriend

  12. What were you thinking? 😮

  13. Idk yall I love her

  14. Damn who beat up Rey!!!!

  15. Jayco is a girls girl

  16. BRO “he does midget porn” I LOVE JAYCO HES So FUNNY😭😭😭

  17. BRO “he does midget porn” I LOVE JAYCO HES So FUNNY😭😭😭

  18. Im literally in a 50/50 relationship n theres nothing wrong w that at all we both have bills n go to college n both dont make that much but we both try to make each other happy n spoil each other, n theres nothing wrong w that at all. Yall need to leave santea alone over 1 date yall find anything to hate about 😫

  19. I’m a little disappointed was funny AF . His reaction was priceless 😂

  20. Bro so ungrateful

  21. i think santi got funnier all of a sudden and dano is hilarious

  22. She’s a gold digger bro , can’t wait till she leave yo ass

  23. Aye w video should bring her in more videos bro !! I fw the vibe and yall stop hating on santea he’s just a chill guy

  24. Lowkey santea ain’t that close w Rey

  25. nah she looking at noe too good …..

  26. 24:57 Stay in Houston yall not as funny without Jayco 😂😂😂

  27. awwww omg i loveeee herr yall are so fucking cute 😭😭😭 i’m so happy you’re happy 😩❤️

  28. ngl i really enjoyed seeing this humble version of santea (personality wise not the $$ spent😭). like he was just more kind to her and it’s reminiscent to how he used to be in the earlier days🥹

  29. she shopping like shes ur wife she better be now

  30. Happy for you 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼.

  31. im finna be at the vip section for besame mucho

  32. Like why tell to buy anything but complain about it. You are making her feel bad because you complain

  33. He does midget KORN 😂😂😂😂😂made me laugh sooooo much lmaoooo
    Love this for you Santea❤ May love find me❤

  34. Im sorry Santea but daño fine asf ❤

  35. Shes so beautiful you are so lucky

  36. wait what happen to rey’s eye

  37. It looks like you getting that 🐱 after

  38. where is Dano's set from? i love it <3
    Saludos from Monterrey, Nuevo León 🤠

  39. Santea acting like a middle school kid.

  40. They are cute together yall are just reaching it 🙄 and being haters

  41. Rey next 💙💙💙💙💙💙

  42. Can someone tell me why Rey has a black eye?

  43. It’s giving brokey af

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