Film Theory: Duolingo LORE Exists… And It’s Actually Creepy!

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Wait…Duolingo has LORE?! After many requests from the community, we are FINALLY taking a deep dive into how this language learning app and its owl mascot may not be as innocent as it appears.
Writers: Forrest Lee, Bob Chipman, Brett Turley
Editors: Alex “Sedge” Sedgwick, Danial “BanditRants” Keristoufi, Tyler Mascola
Sound Designer: Yosi Berman
Thumbnail: DasGnomo
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#Duolingo #LanguageLearning #Language #Theory #FilmTheory


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  1. how you gonna expose me like that

  2. Δ

  3. Btw you can do piano and math so they might have more Lore to

  4. I downloaded Duolingo after this video and started learning German. I've done weeks worth of lessons in the last four days

  5. Huh its funny to see the threts from duo because im dutch and learning japanees because the dutch is dutch or crutch and japanees is japanees is broken nees i mean they are linked

  6. 8:16 its funny to see my home language on film theory of all places

  7. Yeah never seen this ole or any ads for this

  8. I wanna thank Duolingo for helping me learn a new language. It took time and dedication but it worked! And now i live in that country and can communicate easily 🙂

  9. sorry duo sorry 😢😭❤🙏

  10. Never gonna see you it’s really evil

  11. Why is this on Film Theory instead of Game Theory

  12. I am doing greece

  13. Duos alive

  14. I got a notification to continue learning French during the video, he knows.

  15. Interesting tidbit that is not at all related to any of the lore in the video, Duolingo canonically have children with Scrub daddy. Duo pays child support

  16. Weird request but you should do a episode on the Plankton Movie. Turns out bikini bottom has a military force which might suggest they have used it before. Which might prove a theory I've heard of where there was a war. Just a suggestion

  17. This would be possible except for the fact that they don’t have Māori as language despite it being endangered and the country-wide nz plan to add it to the curriculum

  18. Why is film theory doing this and not a game theory?

  19. owl with a bbl?

  20. Hey, i don't care what haters say, these theories are still peak. Always good to see a new one pop up

  21. The fact duo commented is crazy👁👅👁

  22. I knew it he always says weird stuff in the messages he sends me

  23. What I've gathered from this is that we all need to redownload the app so Duo can pay for the therapy he desperately needs

  24. Where’s matpat?

  25. shouldn’t this be on game theory? (no hate ❤)

  26. this duo guy hasnt threatened me ONCE.

  27. My duolingo streak is -43 days😭😭😭 I haven't done doulingo for 43 days

  28. dont forget to add people for friend streaks (learning together is fun) and friend quests!

  29. How does living with lily fit into this?

  30. This video made me go back to duolingo -_-
    Welp he can't find me if I miss my streak 😉

  31. I remember I had to do a language translation 😂and this was the sentence
    Judy is your wife Carrie …….bro 😂😂😂

  32. O so that's why they are asking my address

  33. day 2 of asking for bfdi

  34. no hate but the "je suis un chat" sounded "je suis une chatte" either meaning i am a female cat or
    "i am (something unsavoury)"

  35. he needs to watch alien stage.

  36. aw man poor choopo making a video about this first

  37. Please do angel engine next

  38. Can you théorie my new horor serie 🙂

  39. Hi there im a big fan and I want to ask if you can do a theory on the deep a Netflix show please its really interesting the deep and I want you to manly focus on the main person ant cuz he's the main person also because he has to fight giant creatures and it's perfect so please

  40. has anyone noticed in the language threats on the ice skatin page theres.. “gegagedigegagado”….

  41. The actual lore started at 16:00, but it was good lore

  42. Who else got a duolingo ad ?

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